Monday, July 29, 2013

Freeze it, I'll eat it post #1: Trentino Gelato

Well, hello there! So I was wandering in Spec's midtown one day, and I happened across the freezer section (the very section I always hope to avoid due to lack of self-control) when I saw a black and white label on a pint of ice cream. I had never seen such a label before, and fancying myself an ice cream connoisseur investigated further. I first saw that it was gelato, not ice cream and as I perused the spectrum of flavors offered, I thought, well, it would be okay to purchase this frozen delight if I had some grander purpose for it.

Bingo, blog. I have always wanted to have a blog. Thought it would be a cool way to express an "artistic" type of creativity that I sometimes feel is lacking in my engineering curriculum.

So here we have it, I have decided to create an ice cream/gelato/frozen yogurt/anything-frozen-or-slightly-resembling-ice cream blog that I hope to keep up with regularly (will not obligate myself to weekly ice cream indulgences, but let's be honest that would be ideal). I will be going out, trying different types of frozen treats, rating them, providing some photographs, and hoping to expand my own horizons as well as those of my readers.